Package Management with Poetry

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When Poetry is used for package management, Wing runs poetry command lines to implement the package operations.

Configuring Python Executable

When using Poetry, the Python Executable in Wing's Propect Properties should be set to the virtualenv created by Poetry. Wing checks the configuration and asks to correct the Python Executable if necessary. If this is not done, Wing will debug and execute your code in the wrong Python environment.

You may elect to correct Python Executable automatically without prompting. This is done from the checkbox in the confirmation dialog or from the Options menu in the Packages tool.

Manual Configuration

If you need to find Poetry's virtualenv manually, this can be done by executing the following command line in the directory where your pyproject.toml and poetry.lock are located:

poetry run python -c "import sys, os; print(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))"

Then set Python Executable to Activated Env and enter the full path to the virtualenv's activation script. On Windows this is in Scripts\activate.bat below the directory printed by the above command. On macOS and Linux, this is activate instead.

Poetry Auto-Install

If Poetry is the active package manager for a project, then Wing will ensure that poetry is installed into the base Python installation associated with the virtualenv that Poetry creates.

There are several reasons that the poetry package may be missing from the active Python base install:

  • The user has elected to use Poetry in Project Properties or the Packages tool's Options menu but poetry was never installed.
  • The user has opened a project that caused Wing to auto-detect use of Poetry because its home directory contains poetry.lock but Poetry was never installed.
  • The Python version specified in pyproject.toml or poetry.lock does not match the version of Python that runs poetry initially. This may select a base Python installation that does not already have poetry.

Poetry does contain some functionality to re-launch with the correct Python version, but Wing still auto-installs Poetry into the selected environment, in order to avoid depending on another Python installation that may change over time.

In all cases, once Poetry has been initialized, the base install for the Poetry virtualenv is used to invoke the poetry commands that implement package operations initiated from the Packages tool.

Linux Note

On Linux, Wing may fail to install Poetry because of conflicts with the resident package manager (either RPM-based or Debian). In this case you will need to install Poetry using Linux package management, for example with 'apt install python3-poetry' or 'yum install python3-poetry'. The package name may vary by system.

Removing the Poetry Virtualenv

If poetry env remove` is executed to remove the virtualenv, Wing will not be able to debug or execute code until Poetry's virtualenv is recreated, either with ``poetry install or from Wing's Packages tool.

Important: If you are working on a remote host, container, or cluster and run poetry env remove`, Wing will lose contact with the remote system because it uses the configured ``Python Executable to run its remote agent. In this case, you will need to manually recreate Poetry's virtualenv by running poetry install on the remote system, in the directory that contains your poetry.lock.